It's not a zombie survival manual, but you better read it. Otherwise brace yourself, coz we will just stare at you if you ask questions that are already answered in the handbook.
Take part in our new Digital Fabrication Workshop, open to all Semesters and Courses!
Think of fablab like a gym, where you build your creative muscles by working out to bring your ideas into physical reality. Making things with hand tools do help with your real muscles though, so maybe it's kinda a gym after all.
Explore possibilities, discuss your ideas with anyone around. Get feedback, chuck those into your brain, improve, rinse and repeat. But don't forget to move into the actual creation phase.
Conjure those ideas in your head into the physical realm. Do so thoughtfully, don't build and prototype blindly. Learn the tools right, do right by them, don't waste your time and materials.
Ignore bullshit that tells you new creative things get created step-by-step in a linear manner. True designers know that the process is heck a lot messier. Get through the squiggle proud.
Monday Free
Tuesday Free
Wednesday Busy from 9 - 1
Thursday Free
Friday Busy Whole Day
*schedule updated every semester
*last updated on 2 December 2023